It would have been possible for a law firm to crumble into non-existence, never knowing why

Imagine my delight when I read Brandon Blankenship’s December 17, 2016 review of Remaking Law Firms: Why & How on the American Bar Association page and found this sentence: “Before this book it would have been possible for a law firm to crumble into non-existence, never knowing why”.
Brandon Blankenship could not have known that this is precisely the reason why we wrote our book; to alert BigLaw firms to the dangers of doing nothing. And to the many opportunities that remaking their business models offer.
In Remaking Law Firms: Why & How George Beaton and Imme Kaschner overwhelmed an overwhelming task. Lawyers across the globe have noticed that something happened and is continuing to happen in the legal service provider industry. These authors inquired, surveyed, researched and organized the change into a blueprint for the modern law firm.
Even then they weren’t done. They invited other industry thought leaders to join them in the discussion. Before this book, it would have been possible for a law firm to crumble into non-existence, never knowing why. With this book, there is no excuse for not identifying the trends in the legal service provider industry that are impacting your law firm and developing a healthy response to those trends.
This book also stands as persuasive evidence that those who claim the legal service industry is shrinking are simply wrong. The industry is not shrinking but it has shifted significantly leaving many out. This book contains valuable resources to help those who find themselves left out to evaluate how to recover. Technology, shifting client expectations, unbundling, and re-defining quality in the sense of legal deliverable are all manageable changes when framed as Beaton and Kaschner have done.
Further, it would be unfortunate not to acknowledge the method that the authors used to write this book. They used the same type of technology that is pushing law firms to change to take Remaking Law Firms from idea to a quality deliverable that is sorely needed.
Brandon L. Blankenship
Birmingham, Alabama
Brandon is on LinlkedIn and is the founder of the Nobility Academy which promotes professional nobility through story.

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