Remaking News of the Week: Studying leadership before the big test

published Studying leadership before the big test, Part 1 on Legal Evolution, his inspiring blog. Bill begins by recounting Fred Bartlit, one of the founding partners of Bartlit Beck, saying “smooth seas make poor sailors”. The reference is to the need for ‘perspective, emotional control, making choices with consequences, and filtering out noise in assessing and managing through turbulence and uncertainty’.

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Why capital is changing law – Money makes the world go around

In Why capital is changing law – Money makes the world go around Mark Cohen cogently demonstrates how investment capital will accelerate the digitization, consolidation, and imminent scaling of legal services. Mark also shows what this means for BigLaw firms which have no balance sheet and, with rare exceptions even where they can, have no desire to take outside investment. 

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Who’s In Dialogue: 12

Who’s In Dialogue: 12 is in its 12th week; thanks for playing.

Who is known for particular expertise in legal project management (LPM) and wrote a post on LPM for Dialogue with Doug Richardson?

For those joining recently: Once-a-week, I provide a clue about one of our Contributors to Dialogue and invite you to join the fun by telling us in a comment to whom you think the clue refers. Proofs from public sources are published the following week.

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First steps in launching new practice models in #BigLaw firms

First steps in launching new practice models in #BigLaw firms sees Josh Kubicki return to Dialogue with an introduction to Bold Duck Studio. I don’t usually publish anything smacking of promotion, but First steps in launching new practice models in #BigLaw firms is dead-centre about helping traditional #BigLaw business model firms remake themselves. Don’t miss Josh’s message – and may I suggest spread the word about Bold Duck Studio.

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Remaking News of the Week: The fearless Adam Smith Esq

Remaking News of the Week features the fearless Adam Smith Esq (aka Bruce MacEwen of New York). I say ‘fearless’ because he describes (many/some of) the BigLaw leaders with whom he converses as being ‘deluded on stilts’. Decide for yourself.

I say ‘fearless’ because he describes (many/some of) the BigLaw leaders with whom he converses as being ‘deluded on stilts’. The single most frequent response to this question Bruce hears, “Well, no one, really.”

Decide for yourself.

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Making news this week: Speaking out for the rule of law

In Making News This Week, I am honoured to post Mark Cohen’s Time for the legal industry to speak out for the rule of law.

We should all remember the wisdom of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” I urge all members of Dialogue community, wherever you may live, to support Mark’s cause and call.

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Who’s In Dialogue: 11

Who’s In Dialogue: 11 is in its 11th week; thanks for playing.

Who founded Clearspire and had the courage to write The Clearspire Story, which I described as an important milestone in the NewLaw journey?

For those joining recently: Once-a-week, I provide a clue about one of our Contributors to Dialogue and invite you to join the fun by telling us in a comment to whom you think the clue refers. Proofs from public sources are published the following week.

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