Why Remaking Law Firms is being so well received

Only a few weeks after publication, reviews by clients, law firm leaders, consultants and commentators show why Remaking Law Firms: Why and How is being so well received, filling a large and critical gap for all involved in legal services delivery. Remaking Law Firms is now available from ShopABA

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Remaking Law Firms: A perfect primer

It arrived in the mail yesterday, a perfect primer for those who are thinking about remaking their law firm. “It” is the The Clayton M. Christensen Reader, a 2016 treasure trove compilation of Christensen’s and co-authors’ writings that are as relevant to legal services as they are to music, taxis, postal services and every other industry.

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Remaking Law Firms: 10 reasons BigLaw managing partners are not sleeping very well

We have heard at least 10 reasons why BigLaw managing partners are not sleeping very well in recent one-on-one conversations and our beatonlive conferences. Some are deeply worried. Others are truly excited. This post is  a summary of why this dichotomy exists. In no particular order these are 10 reasons BigLaw managing partners are not sleeping very well [1].

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Remaking Law Firms: Will we ever see a $10 billion BigLaw firm?

Will we ever see a $10 billion BigLaw firm? Is a $10 billion BigLaw firm unthinkable? Is the very thought of a firm four times the size of today’s largest far-fetched? Perhaps not, as the following analysis suggests.

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Remaking Law Firms: Growth won’t solve your firm’s problems

Growth won’t solve your firm’s problems’ is a powerful article in The Am Law Daily on which Ed Reeser has written an equally compelling commentary. With his permission, we are pleased to publish extracts of Ed’s comments on Growth won’t solve your firm’s problems because of their deep implications and insights for BigLaw business model law firms everywhere.

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