Is Jon Molot right about BigLaw firms’ capital structure?

 The blogosphere and books are replete with the refrain that the BigLaw business model is a (the?) root cause of many of the challenges faced by owners, staff and, most important of all, clients. I only recently came across a scholarly article that makes, in my opinion, a major contribution to this discourse. Here I reproduce the abstract of the article and ask: “Is Jon Molot right about BigLaw firms’ capital structure?

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PwC makes another big NewLaw move

With the headline “Firm hires partners to build out its ‘new law’ capability” the New Law Journal reports that PwC, UK has just recruited two partners with the mandate to create a major NewLaw capability.

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Are you making the most of your client portfolio?

Are you making the most of your client portfolio suggests why and how all BigLaw firms should be pulling four client-related levers to maximise their profitability.

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@PwC makes a game-changing move in legal services

This is how I tweeted it: “@PwC makes a game-changing move in legal services Managing half GE’s global tax requirements”. The article cited in the link was published in The Lawyer on March 20, 2017 (paywall). It begins: “You can’t fault PwC’s chutzpah.”

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Resolving the prioritisation crisis in BigLaw firms

Resolving the prioritisation crisis in BigLaw firms is a reflection on the approaching first anniversary of the publication of Remaking Law Firms: Why & How

In some ways, I wish I had read Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption, Geoffrey Moore’s recent book while researching the content for Remaking Law Firms (1).  On the other hand, it’s pleasing to have come to much the same conclusions as Moore about the urgency in resolving the prioritisation crisis, in my case the crisis faced by BigLaw firms.

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