Snapshot of the legal market, missing link, and mystery disconnect

In Snapshot of the legal market, missing link, and mystery disconnect Ron Friedmann draws on two recent US surveys, the Altman Weil 2017 Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Survey and the 2018 Report on the State of the Legal Market by The Center for the Study of the Legal Profession at the Georgetown University Law Center and Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute and Peer Monitor®, respectively, to construct a snapshot of the state of the legal market.

Ron builds on his analysis to argue there is a disconnect between anecdotal information that alternative services providers (aka NewLaw firms or law companies) are growing and taking share from BigLaw and the published data.

I have a sneaking explanation but will wait to make the first Comment on this thought-provoking thought. 

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Law departments and the foundation of law firm marketing bullshit

My friend John Grant made a mistake.

Many moons ago he was consulting on process improvement for a large law department. He surveyed in-house counsel on their biggest complaints about outside counsel. The response was that outside counsel:

  • Don’t understand my business
  • Can’t tell me how long anything will take
  • Overwork a problem/introduce complexity
  • Don’t give me output in a format I can use

Familiar enough. And so far so good.

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Innovating with technology: Advice from vendor CEOs

With Innovating with technology: Advice from vendor CEOs, Catherine J. Moynihan examines the vendors’ perspective, which is too-often neglected in supply chains. This is all the more reason to listen to Catherine’s outstanding view of law departments and BigLaw firms innovating with technology from the insider-outsiders’ angle

Catherine writes for Dialogue in this re-post from Inside Voice, a new Association of Corporate Counsel column featuring articles authored by the leaders of the ACC’s  legal management services department. The objective of the  Inside Voice column is to reveal insight on the pressing trends affecting in-house legal practice and corporate legal departments across the globe.

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Bake bread and be a better Lawyer

In Bake bread and be a better lawyer, Ken Grady explains why you can have great bread and a more efficient law practice. It’s an intriguing metaphor and the first in a series Ken is working on. Enjoy. 

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Legal markets and marketing: 10 Trends to watch and watch out for in 2018

The year 2008 marked a global financial crisis that was considered the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It also marked the end of the traditional law firm’s 20-year bull run.

Now, a decade later, 2018 will be a make-or-break year for many firms. Some will fail while others will fracture. Some are scrambling to save themselves while others remain mired in inertia. Firms wanting to be vital and solvent are overhauling how they do business. Smart firms have already retooled.

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The accountants re-enter legal. Meh!

There are countless articles on the threat of the Big 4 re-entering the legal market. Yes, they’re cashed-up, capable and well-connected, but I don’t think it will be as smooth a road for them as many are predicting. A deeper analysis suggests there are six factors that will limit their growth.

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