Just as I thought! Book review of Remaking Law Firms
I recently remarked to a colleague that just because I’m biased doesn’t mean I’m not right. Double negatives aside (or not), it’s been really interesting to watch the reaction to the remarkable Remaking Law Firms: Why and How by George Beaton and Imme Kaschner.
Read MoreRemaking Law Firms: Why & How is a very welcome book
Remaking Law Firms: Why & How is a very welcome book writes Stephen Mayson in his blog. It is a timely re-examination of the law firm business model.
Read MoreOne of the last bastions of the old world
In his review of Remaking Law Firms in the Journal of the Law Society of New South Wales, Justin Moses refers to the traditional law firm as ‘one of the last bastions of the old world’. Read what the Head of Knowledge & Development: Compliance, Legal & Secretariat at the Westpac Banking Corporation has to say.
Read MoreABA honours Remaking Law Firms with three major reviews
On its ShopABA page, the ABA honours Remaking Law Firms: Why & How with three major reviews, one from each of the UK, Spain and the US. Read why Barry Wilkinson, Dr Eva Bruch and Bruce MacEwen commend Remaking Law Firms to law firm leaders.
Read MorePartners cannot say they weren’t warned
In Partners cannot say they weren’t warned Barry Wilkinson reviews of Remaking Law Firms: Why and How?, a book which looks ahead at the changing shape of the legal services market, and predicts a future in which the business models of successful law firms will have changed significantly.
Remaking Law Firms should be standard reading for anyone who is, or intends to be a partner (or owner) in a law firm of any substance in the next 10 to 15 years, putting their own money at risk. It is mainly directed at large commercial firms (BigLaw) but it has implications for firms of all sizes.
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Q&A on Remaking Law Firms
In May, Priscilla Totten published this Q&A on Remaking Law Firms in the American Bar Association’s e-News. The article enjoyed a record number of hits, and is reproduced here with permission.
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