Remaking news of the week: Riverview Law

Today Remaking the news of the week reports on developments at Riverview Law, Karl Chapman’s UK-based law company. Karl shows what Riverview offers to address what he calls the ‘flying blind while burning fuel’ opportunity.   

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Here be dragons writes Richard Burcher about fixed fees

Let us say at the outset that we are strong proponents of fixed fees, even in areas of work where they have not been particularly prevalent such as dispute resolution. We believe that they should be used much more than they are to the benefit of both firms and clients. Here’s why…

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Who’s In Dialogue: 03

Who’s In Dialogue, 03 is in its 3rd week; thanks to all for playing along.

Who’s in Dialogue this week: Which Contributor recently founded a company and named it Six Parsecs?

Be first to answer by Replying below.

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Client-informed research on innovation in legal services

‘Client-informed research on innovation in legal services’ by Shanan Kan and George Beaton was published in the June issue of the Association of Corporate Counsel (Australia) Journal. 

The article is based on a world-first 62-page report that probes Client-led Innovation in Legal Services and delivers penetrating and actionable insights in this critical area.

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Remaking news of the week: LOD takes PE

UK private equity firm Bowmark Capital has bought out law firm BCLP’s controlling stake in innovative contract lawyer business Lawyers On Demand.

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What’s on clients’ minds

After a break, Aric Press is back in Dialogue with What’s on clients’ minds. My partners and I have spent the last three years talking to hundreds of law firm clients. And we have good news and bad news to report.

Most clients like and appreciate the work they get from their outside firms, but only a minority told us that they were “very satisfied” by their outside lawyers. We heard heartwarming praise—“They were in the foxhole with me”—and the familiar “too” complaints: too expensive, too inefficient, too slow to change.

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Who’s In Dialogue: 02

Last week we introduced Who’s In Dialogue.

No one worked out which Contributor to Dialogue has an Uber Passenger Rating of 4.92. The correct answer is in the picture below.

Commenced in December 2015, Dialogue on Remaking Law Firms now has more than 200 posts from 50 contributors around the world. Some know others well; others tell me they have never met. As Contributors, it’s time to get to know each other a little better.

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