NewLaw firm lexvoco enters Japan

On April 21, 2017, Asia Law Portal broke the news that NewLaw firm lexvoco has entered the Japanese market. With the permission of John Grimley, a regular contributor to Dialogue, I am pleased to publish the essence of this important news.

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The legal vertical is already corporatized; law firms should be permitted to operate that way, too

The legal vertical is already corporatized; law firms should be permitted to operate that way, too by Mark Cohen explores a contentious topic. I congratulate Mark on his cogent arguments in favour. And I am sure all readers of Dialogue are looking forward to hearing the views of BigLaw firm leaders and the institutions of the legal profession, like bar associations and law societies.   

Mark starts by with an exhortation: It’s time to stop pretending that the $300B U.S. legal industry is anything but big business. All legal providers—including law firms– should be able to operate from a corporate structure.

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Are you making the most of your client portfolio?

Are you making the most of your client portfolio suggests why and how all BigLaw firms should be pulling four client-related levers to maximise their profitability.

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AI and the Legal Renaissance

AI and the Legal Renaissance is another very helpful post by Richard Tromans.  

When AI first reached the ears of the legal market some years ago there was a flurry of stories about the end of lawyers. For years afterward and with Pavlov dogs-like automation any mention of legal AI summoned up the panicked refrain: ‘The end of lawyers is coming, the end of lawyers is coming!’

This was until law firms and corporates actually started to make use of legal AI systems, especially in the last two years and even more so last year. The clichéd refrain, now exposed to the cleansing light of real experience, seemed to die away upon contact.

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Gaining the benefits of legal AI for in-house counsel

Today we are posting Ron Friedmann’s piece, ‘Gaining the Benefits of Legal AI for In-House Counsel’. As always, Ron has a clear message: Identify the problem/need you are seeking to solve/address before choosing the solution. It’s Einstein: ‘If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.’ Read on.

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Six key questions for understanding legal technology developments

Six key questions for understanding legal technology developments is Peter Campbell’s first post on Dialogue. It is significant for another reason; Peter is a senior leader in a BigLaw firm. We don’t have too many of these folk on Dialogue, and it’s not for want of trying with invitations and suggestions.  

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‘Legal Innovation’ is not an oxymoron—it’s farther along than you think

‘Legal Innovation’ Is Not An Oxymoron by Mark Cohen makes some provocative statements, e.g. ‘Law’s Uber moment has yet to occur….’ Read on and judge for yourself. Will there be a tipping point? Or should we expect rapid incremental change? Afterall, there are many segments in the legal services supply chain and each is being affected in different ways and rates of change.  

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