Bring out the benchmarks

Bring Out the Benchmarks by Aric Press is a thought-provoking way to end 2016. First published on the Bloomberg Business of Law blog on December 19, 2016, Aric lays out a set of benchmarks against which law firms can gauge their health and prospects.

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It would have been possible for a law firm to crumble into non-existence, never knowing why

Imagine my delight when I read Brandon Blankenship’s December 17, 2016 review of Remaking Law Firms: Why & How on the American Bar Association page and found this sentence: “Before this book it would have been possible for a law firm to crumble into non-existence, never knowing why”.
Brandon Blankenship could not have known that this is precisely the reason why we wrote our book; to alert BigLaw firms to the dangers of doing nothing. And to the many opportunities that remaking their business models offer.
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The sales function in BigLaw firms

‘The sales function in BigLaw firms’ is a provocative post by John Grimley that highlights one of the themes in Remaking Law Firms. In our book, Imme Kaschner and I argued for a (degree of) separation of sales and production in BigLaw firms. Inter alia, we cited the success enjoyed by PwC in the US, illustrated by our interview with David Worley.

As the foremost exponent of this concept, John Grimley puts a powerful case. One might well ask, are BigLaw firms and their services so different from other industries that separating sales and production is unworkable? I invite you to read what John has to say.

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NewLaw insights. Inside Lawyers On Demand

Lawyers On Demand is one of two large NewLaw firms with a growing international footprint, the other is Axiom Law. I know both passingly well. Their senior executives and, in the case of Lawyers On Demand, their founders have been contributors to my books, NewLaw New Rules (2013) and Remaking Law Firms: Why & How (2016).

Now that Lawyers On Demand (since 2006-2008) and Axiom Law (since 2000-2002) are well established providers of legal services, it’s appropriate to provide insights into their strategic thinking. So, I am pleased to introduce Sandra Gibson, Managing Director of Lawyers On Demand, Australia in this interview.

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Just as I thought! Book review of Remaking Law Firms

I recently remarked to a colleague that just because I’m biased doesn’t mean I’m not right. Double negatives aside (or not), it’s been really interesting to watch the reaction to the remarkable Remaking Law Firms: Why and How by George Beaton and Imme Kaschner.

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Remaking partner engagement

‘Remaking Partner Engagement’ is the first post on Dialogue by Joel Barolsky, our friend and colleague of many years. Today Joel addresses the thorny questions of partnership, performance, and pie-splitting.

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The General Counsel Revolution

The General Counsel Revolution is the subtitle of The Future of the In-house Lawyer: The General Counsel Revolution, edited by Richard Tapp and published earlier this year by the Law Society in London. This book’s significance lies in its timing, breadth of coverage and demonstration of the now indisputable, permanent power of in-house lawyers in the legal services supply chain.

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