Remaking Law Firms: Excerpts from reviews

Three months after publication by the American Bar Association Remaking Law Firms: Why & How continues to receive critical acclaim from law firm leaders, clients, commentators and academics in the US, UK, Canada and Australia.

Here is a selection of excerpts from reviews on the ABA page for Remaking Law Firms: Why & How.

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Will traditional law schools be disrupted?

In the rapidly changing world of legal services these questions must be asked: Will traditional law schools also be disrupted? What will happen to them if they are not? Disrupting Law School, a recent white paper from the Clayton Christensen Institute, suggests many law schools are under major threat because of the changing employment market for lawyers. A concerned question is ‘Which law schools are paying attention?‘.

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Evidence: Why BigLaw firms must start remaking now

Here’s the first evidence based on projections of market share showing why BigLaw firms must start remaking their business model now. And by implication, the consequences of not doing so.

Where the market shares of the major players in the legal services industry are headed in the next 10 years makes a major and urgent case for traditional commercial and corporate law firms to act sooner rather than later. 

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First steps in remaking a BigLaw firm

In his Foreword to Remaking Law Firms: Why & How Eduardo Leite, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Baker & McKenzie writes “There was a time when we mostly worried about advising clients and billing time. Today, we deal with disruptive technologies, commoditization, unbundling of legal services, globalization of firms, BigLaw and NewLaw, and co-opetition…

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Remaking Law Firms podcasts: Parts 1 and 2

I am pleased share two podcasts on Remaking Law Firms: Why & How with you. The podcasts were produced by Counter Tax Lawyers of Canada as part of their @BuildingNewLaw campaign. I trust you find these a valuable resource.

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