The rise and rise of litigation funding

Being from Australia, the birthplace of litigation funding, I am particularly pleased to bring Dialogue readers The rise and rise of litigation funding, written as a Q&A with Craig Arnott, Managing Director of Burford Capital.

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Remaking News of the Week: Legal Innovators Conference

Dialogue contributor Richard Tromans features his major 11 October 2019 London conference in Remaking News of the Week: Legal Innovators Conference.

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Remaking News of the Week: Rise of LawTech Hubs

Remaking News of the Week: Rise of LawTech Hubs highlights the Asia-Pacific aspects of a feature in Raconteur and my own post on LawTech hubs in the Asia-Pacific.

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Map of fundamental technologies in legal services

Dialogue is pleased to publish Map of fundamental technologies in legal services by Michelle Mahoney, Executive Director of Innovation with King & Wood Mallesons. It’s a valuable contribution and educational resource, not least because to my knowledge, this map is the only one of its kind. Readers’ views on the Map’s utility and ways to improve it are invited.  

The key benefit of the Map is its helicopter view of the ‘big four’ technologies – AI, blockchain, enterprise systems (i.e. databases) and pre-programmed code – and their many applications in legal services, e.g. document automation, expertise automation, legal research, matter management, all aspects of practice and client management, due diligence and e-discovery.

The need for a map came to light in preparing learning resources for the Fundamental Technologies Shaping Legal Services subject in the College of Law’s Master In Legal Business. 

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The value of legal market positioning

In The value of legal market positioning our regular contributor Heather Suttie argues that definitive legal market positioning leads to a distinctive, authoritative brand for a law firm. And the corollary is that trying to be everything to everyone means a firm stands for nothing in no one’s mind.

Research (by beaton, my Voice of Clients consultancy) over many years amongst the clients of Australian and New Zealand clients of corporate BigLaw firms shows it is possible to differentiate a law firm and sustain a position in the served market. And, it’s no surprise that having a distinctive position correlates with superior client satisfaction, supporting Heather’s proposition that ‘legal market position is critical to surviving while your brand is key to thriving’.

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Remaking the legal services ecosystem

Remaking the legal services ecosystem is by Jason Moyse, one of our regular contributors. I am pleased to advise that is addition to sharing his informed and insightful perspectives, Jason is also one of the 20 globally-sourced interviewees on the The College of Law’s Master of Legal Business, an innovative program for all professionals working in all parts of the legal services supply chain (1).

As much as talk in legal and broader commerce overall these days centres on David v. Goliath or even the clash of the titans (think BigLaw), there’s a very faulty set of assumptions around this type of thinking. Taking the view that it’s us versus them unduly limits the possibilities not just for better delivery of current services but also the creation of new forms of value in the best interests of the ultimate client. An ecosystem approach with some level of coordination among many contributors provides the best and most interesting outcomes. It’s also a key driver of innovation.

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Remaking News of the Week: War for talent

This week Remaking News of the Week is a short piece on talent management in BigLaw firms. Bill Henderson’s Legal Evolution is an excellent source of evidence-based reporting and opinion on the legal services ecosystem – War for talent is no exception.

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