Why everyone should read Legal Upheaval

Today’s headline on Dialogue, Why everyone should read Legal Upheaval, is a rhetorical statement emphasising my message and challenging readers to take action.

Michele DeStefano wrote Legal Upheaval: A Guide to Creativity, Collaboration and Innovation in Law to inspire practising lawyers to innovate, irrespective of how comfortable and successful they feel. In this she succeeds admirably. Here’s why…  

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Remaking News of the Week: Women founders

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Remaking News of the Week: What lawyers learn from Deep Blue

We all know IBM’s Deep Blue computer narrowly defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997, having lost the first match a year earlier.

Then in 2015 Google’s DeepMind triumphed in the AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol match. 

Now comes the story of AI defeating not one, but 20, corporate lawyers: 20 top lawyers were beaten by legal AI.

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Yes, you can tell a roomful of millionaires their business model is wrong

David Maister is credited with rhetorically asking “How do you tell a roomful of millionaires they are wrong?”. Well now Mark Cohen reports he’s found a receptive room of lawyers in Singapore.

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Acting on price sensitivity in BigLaw firms

In Acting on price sensitivity in BigLaw firms, Richard Burcher writes: One of the many shortcomings in our current approach to pricing legal services is the preoccupation with merely pricing the job. While at face value this would appear to be all that is required, it is in fact only half of the calculation. The other half of the equation is pricing the client.

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Remaking News of the Week: Playing to win in BigLaw

Playing to win in BigLaw is prompted by Bruce MacEwen recounting a conversation with a friend in the BigLaw industry:  “He had correctly deduced from a recent column in these pages that I’m (re-)reading the all-time strategy classic Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley and Roger Martin (HBR 2013). My friend called with ‘an epiphany’: “I realized my firm isn’t playing to win; it’s playing not to lose.  I think most law firms are doing the same“.

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Remaking News of the Week: Why PEPP averages mislead

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