Clients and BigLaw firms don’t see eye-to-eye on innovation

Clients and BigLaw firms don’t see eye-to-eye on innovation is based on my reflection following a recent social media exchange about BigLaw firms and innovation.

Some argued there was plenty of good innovation happening in BigLaw land, but not much was visible to outsiders. Others held BigLaw firms are innovation laggards, with many doomed to slow decline as a consequence. Both offered surveys and anecdotes to support their case

What does the evidence say?

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Who’s In Dialogue: 10

Who’s In Dialogue: 10 is in its 10th week; thanks for playing.

Which of our Contributors writes about crofts and crofting law? In 2014 he was voted Managing Partner of the Year in the Law Awards of Scotland.

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Making News of the Week: Perth-based BigLaw firm announces JacMac+

It’s fast and furious as Jackson McDonald, an establishment, Perth-based BigLaw firm announces JacMac +. 

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Lawyers and accountants: Collaborators and competitors

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Remaking News of the Week: Collision of legal and accounting services

The collision of legal and accounting services is this week’s Remaking News featuring Stephen McGarry’s new report. Stephen analyzes the imminent ‘collision’ of legal and accounting services and subtitles his report ‘Global Disruption and Opportunity’.

Consider the facts and prognostications and decide for yourself what tectonic shifts lie ahead for BigLaw firms.

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There’s one wearing sheep skins in the back row

Yesterday, Karl Chapman reminded me of a black humour incident when we first met. The occasion was an October 2012 law firm leaders conference in London at which I was speaking. I referred to the emergence of alternative legal service providers – ‘NewLaw’ was yet to be applied to these new business models. I likened the threat they posed to ‘the barbarians at the gate’ and the plundering of Rome, i.e. traditional BigLaw firms.

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Who coined NewLaw?

I am often asked, ‘Who coined NewLaw?‘. For the record, here are the facts set out in a non-revisionist account of the circumstances from 2009 to 2016.

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