Evidence: Why BigLaw firms must start remaking now

Here’s the first evidence based on projections of market share showing why BigLaw firms must start remaking their business model now. And by implication, the consequences of not doing so.

Where the market shares of the major players in the legal services industry are headed in the next 10 years makes a major and urgent case for traditional commercial and corporate law firms to act sooner rather than later. 

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First steps in remaking a BigLaw firm

In his Foreword to Remaking Law Firms: Why & How Eduardo Leite, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Baker & McKenzie writes “There was a time when we mostly worried about advising clients and billing time. Today, we deal with disruptive technologies, commoditization, unbundling of legal services, globalization of firms, BigLaw and NewLaw, and co-opetition…

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Today’s young lawyers are opting out of the Hunger Games

Compared to 1991 it seems today’s young lawyers are opting out of the Hunger Games. In that year Marc Galanter and Thomas Palay wrote Tournament of Lawyers positing that the success of the BigLaw business model depended in part on an incentivised ‘tournament’ for promotion. No more it seems.

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Remaking Law Firms podcasts: Parts 1 and 2

I am pleased share two podcasts on Remaking Law Firms: Why & How with you. The podcasts were produced by Counter Tax Lawyers of Canada as part of their @BuildingNewLaw campaign. I trust you find these a valuable resource.

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Artificial Intelligence in Law – The State of Play 2016

With Michael’s permission, I am delighted to re-publish ‘Artificial Intelligence in Law: The State of Play 2016 (Part 1)’ by Michael Mills, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer at Neota Logic Inc.

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Why Remaking Law Firms is being so well received

Only a few weeks after publication, reviews by clients, law firm leaders, consultants and commentators show why Remaking Law Firms: Why and How is being so well received, filling a large and critical gap for all involved in legal services delivery. Remaking Law Firms is now available from ShopABA

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Remaking Law Firms: A perfect primer

It arrived in the mail yesterday, a perfect primer for those who are thinking about remaking their law firm. “It” is the The Clayton M. Christensen Reader, a 2016 treasure trove compilation of Christensen’s and co-authors’ writings that are as relevant to legal services as they are to music, taxis, postal services and every other industry.

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