Glenn Gould, Bach and the beauty of flat teams

Glenn Gould, Bach and the beauty of flat teams introduces Eric Fiszelson as the latest Contributor to join Dialogue on Remaking Law Firms. With Eva and HansEric strengthens our European contingent. We’ll all benefit from Eric’s Gallic cultural flair. 

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Nothing You Can Say On Diversity

Nothing You Can Say Can Cause Me To Retain You remains among the most important blog posts for understanding the corporate legal market. Mark Hermann, self-styled curmudgeon and then Chief Counsel – Litigation and Global Chief Compliance Officer at Aon, expertly expounds on why he is loath to add new law firms: He already has really good lawyers.

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K&L Gates is a first mover with full-time client development professionals

K&L Gates is a first mover with full-time client development professionals is a Q&A between K&L Gates Chief Marketing Officer, Jeff Berardi, and John Grimley, a regular Contributor to Dialogue. The interview explains why and how K&L Gates is leading the way with full-time client development professionals. 

In March 2017, international BigLaw firm K&L Gates established a client-facing business development initiative staffed by full-time client development professionals. In Dialogue on Remaking Law Firms’ continuing coverage of the development of sales practices (used up until now largely by Big4 firms) within BigLaw firms, Jeff Berardi and John Grimley explore this initiative.

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Remaking News of the Week: Law firm partnerships are losing their lustre

The inimitable John Gapper penned Law firm partnerships are losing their lustre with the sub-line The transfer market in talent is undermining traditional legal practices in the Financial Times back in May this year.

Citing high profiles lateral moves and raids in London, John points to the crisis that building a BigLaw firm by lateralling is causing. This snippet says it all: “The transfer market for lawyers has become so heated that Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer introduced reforms this month to retain top partners by paying them up to six times what it gives to lesser lights“. 

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Relationships 3.0: The “Idea Relationship” era

In Relationships 3.0: The “Idea Relationship” Era Mike O’Horo argues the “sales funnel” has been replaced by the “buyer journey,” a conversation that is increasingly on the buyer’s terms.

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Why crofting is so important to law firms

I wrote Why crofting is so important to law firms a couple years ago after Brian Inkster and I met online. Both of Scottish descent, we had much in common from the get-go.

Why crofting is so important to law firms is not a spoof or a piece of trivia. It’s a serious message to all BigLaw business model firms and a tribute to the mercurial Brian at the same time. This post is written for practising attorneys, not just those with Scottish or Irish blood.

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At the bleeding edge of law

At the bleeding edge of law is contributed by two who’ve been there and done that, David Perla and Sanjay Kamlani. The pair is known for co-founding Pangea3, an LPO pioneer, in 2004 and successfully exiting in 2012.  

In this post, they explain why they believe the long aversion to leveraging capital in law is changing fast.

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