Mid-market law firm brouhaha

Mid-market law firm brouhaha is my stream of consciousness arguing the illogicality of the concerns about the thinning ranks of mid-market firms.

Dictionaries define brouhaha as a noisy and overexcited reaction to something. That, in my opinion, is exactly what happens every time a mid-size (aka mid-market) firm ‘merges’ with larger, often international, firm.

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Delivering value with integrity: Letter to outside counsel

Delivering value with integrity is Jeff Carr’s recent letter to outside law firms in his capacity as GC of Univar. The message is clear and needs no introductory explanation from me. Can you hear hands clapping, Jeff?

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BigLaw firm change management: Reckoning and Retooling

BigLaw firm change management means having difficult conversations and empowering business development professionals. It’s a case of Reckoning and Retooling writes Heather Suttie.

A senior partner who has practiced law for 45 years recently observed to me, “The traditional firm pressures are huge. A few big failures and we will see radical transformation.

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A framework for the evolution of corporate law departments

In A framework for the evolution of corporate law departments, Steven Walker contributes his second post to Dialogue.

General Counsel and law departments are in the business of providing legal services, and they are under relentless pressure to respond to the challenges of delivering the highest quality services as quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. These imperatives are now more compelling than ever. Readers may like to refer to my recently posted remarks related to that point.

If this were not enough, General Counsel and their staff are expected to walk and chew gum. Here’s why I say this and what I believe should be done to address the challenge and the opportunity.

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Navigating the multi-polar legal market

Georgetown Law School and the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute are ready to call it: the party’s officially over. The 2017 edition of their annual Report on the State of the Legal Market is unequivocal in its assessment of how completely the commercial legal services market has changed over the past decade.

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What real transformative change could look like

What real transformative change could look like is the sequel to Ken’s post on Dialogue two days ago, Stagnation and the legal services industry. Ken does us all a great service by painting a concrete picture of his view of what the future might look like. He’s putting it out there for the rest of us to think about, test and challenge what real transformative change might look like. Let’s go to it!

I often write about radical transformation in the legal industry and how it has not arrived. That line of reasoning begs the question: what could radical transformation look like?

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Harbinger of the change affecting #BigLaw, courtesy of @ArtificialLawya

Harbinger of the change affecting #BigLaw, courtesy of @ArtificialLawya breaks with the pattern of Dialogue: [1] I am publishing Richard Troman’s article as a news item [2] hours prior to the release of Ken Grady’s post on transformational change. This juxtaposition is a metaphor for what all BigLaw business model firms need to come to grips with, very quickly. Thank you Richard – and Ken.     

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